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5 Effective Tips How to get consistent client/s in your Freelancing Business!


Getting consistent NO's and REJECTIONS from every clients you have offered your services? Have you tried sending more proposals and applications from various job hiring and business sites, but still getting no response on your emails or didn't receive any call backs from them? Even done a follow-up emails or a text message on the interviewers phone number, but still your inbox shows blank and you are now starting to feel anxious about not getting a response?

I FEEL YOU! Been there and now learned a huge lesson from these experiences and started to gather all effective strategies and ways to catch and tickle the client's needs and immediately close a contract with them, whether it is a project based tasks or a long term process with the client's business.

As a beginner in this freelancing niche, finding clients is one of the difficult and challenging part and is usually the most difficult hurdle to overcome. But worry no more! My experiences in this freelancing business are a perfect match for you to use and I am confident enough that these strategies can also work for you.

Here are these 5 EFFECTIVE and A SOLID WAYS to immediately get noticed by clients:

1) Optimize your portfolios. (4 Major Social Media Sites to optimize - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok)

2) Send a maximum of 30 Proposals a day!

3) Create a Noise on all Social Media Platforms.

4) Add Value to the clients pain.

5) Push the client's Emotional Hot Buttons.

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